Friday, July 15, 2005


I said that I wouldn't write a review for Batman because it would become a way-to-long treatise on why Batman is the greatest superhero ever. Ever. FRELLING EVER. I know all the Superman fans and the XMen fanatics will crucify me and try to take me out back to lynch me. Too bad. He's the best. So, instead of commenting on Batman himself, I will reserve my overbearing enthusiasm for the movie. Here follows a list of the reasons why I, at least, love the new movie:

- NAKED MAN CHEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE NAKED MAN CHEST!!!!!!!! CHRISTIAN BALE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- For the first time ever, they actually cast the movie correctly instead of following typical Hollywood fashion and thinking "Who has a good chin?". Christian Bale is Batman.

- Instead of being the typical big blockbuster movie, it was a interesting character study as to what would drive a man to become a symbol of fear for those who create pain and fear. And why he would dress like a bat with no S&M tendencies.

- Michael Caine is Alfred. Period. End of discussion.

- More than one scene of naked man chest. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HORMONES......FRYING BRAIN......CAN'T FOCUS.......................

- It showed how he was able to become Batman and not be figured out. From how the batcave became to be to where he got all of his cool toys. And instead of taking any form of glasses on or off to hide his identity, he opted to cover his head and face with a mask. I wonder why? (Superman fans begin sharpening their blades)

- The music almost took my breath away. I am a big believer that music in movies is the most effective tool to draw the audience into a scene and make them forget that they are even in a movie. I have only just begun to listen to other music since I bought the soundtrack on opening day.

- With having so many characters, each was given justice and enough screen time to make their characters relavent to the plot. Of course I would love to see more of each character, but only I would stay through a 5+ hour long Batman movie.

There are more reasons, but my brain is fried thinking about Christian Bale.....mmmm. So go and see this movie!!! mmmm.....pushups.........mmmm

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