Tuesday, July 05, 2005

SAHARA -- by naudy

Normally I'm not a big fan of the blockbuster action/adventure buddy movies. I only went to see SAHARA because it was at the dollar show and there was a strong possibility that Matthew McConaughey would run around without a shirt on. I got more than my money's worth. It was an exciting, engaging film and there was plenty of naked man-chest.

The plot revolves around two ex-Navy SEALS who have been best friends since kindergarden. So far it's the traditional hot-guy-and-his-sidekick-buddy formula. What's refreshing about this pair of guys is A) they actually act and talk like they have been best friends for a long time and B) the sidekick isn't nebbish and useless. Steve Zahn, with his amazing Sonic The Hedgehog hair, may follow Matthew McConaughey around the desert squinting like Popeye while complaining about loosing his Ft. Worth Stockyards hat (when you're from Texas ya notice these things), but he proves to be intelligent and capable - unlike most sidekicks who have to be rescued along w/ the girl. Zahn might not run around mostly naked (which is good), but he can shoot a gun and dismantle bombs with the best of them. It made the movie a lot more fun.

Penelope Cruz is also in this film. Which is fine, I guess. She's most notable for wearing well-fitting clothing and never getting dirty. The bad guys in this story are either not that bad or really Really REALLY bad but extremely attractive so you still want to watch 'em. And some the indigenous peoples in this movie were actually assigned some sort of character instead of being faceless natives dying pathetically,(though there was a lot of that going on.)

All in all, I liked it. I'm really hoping there will be a sequel so I can once again go see The Amazing Mostly Naked Man and his buddy Popeye the Hedgehog. =)

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