Tuesday, November 15, 2005

WAR OF THE WORLDS -- by naudy (4)

Tom Cruise is a big fat jerk. Spielberg can still make movies. Sound effects are cool. People, particullarly when they are trying to not be eaten by giant alien thingys, are not cool. Tim Robbins is a freaking genius. Alien reconnaisance is lousy. Growing mold soaked in blood is disturbing. The cinematography is mind-blowing. It's definately worth the dollar-fifty I paid to see it, and it was nice to be in the cheap theater 'cause I caught myself talking through it.

Mostly I was saying "What a jerk!" Tom Cruise = someone I want to punch in the mouth.

1 comment:

  1. i was looking for the title of 'in the realms of the unreal' (i watched it when i was 9 and was trying to find it again) thank you! and now i have more movies to watch. your reviews seem very trustable.
