Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Apparently 3D is WAAAYY too last week for the good people at D-BOX MOTION CODE theater seating. "Polaroid lenses? Pfft! We have hydraulics!" The movie they decided to launch this magical motion technology on the unsuspecting public with is... wait for it... SHERLOCK HOLMES.

Right. Not an undersea adventure. Not Top Gun II. Not The Fast And The Furious 13. Nope, Sherlock Holmes. They had two chairs on which to watch a preview last Saturday. We were privileged to see the Sherlock Holmes trailer while sitting in the D-BOX MOTION CODE chairs (which are available, for an additional fee, at the premiere of Sherlock Holmes on Christmas Day) and we simultaneously came to the same conclusion:

This would be a great idea if I watched movies with my backside.

As far as I know, though, most people just sit on their bottoms and watch movies with their eyes. So, outside an apparently unlimited application in the Adult Entertainment industry (because porn IS where one's pants make most of the decisions) the D-BOX MOTION CODE chairs are a silly idea, particularly for Sherlock Holmes. Natalie and I viewed the unquestionably kick-butt preview for Sherlock Holmes and marveled at how literal our society has become. When an actor on screen appeared to be punched in the face, we were treated to a thump in the corresponding glutious maximus.

Really. I wish I were kidding.

So, if you want to be flung around in your chair in conjunction with the shaky-cam camera work, then the D-BOX is for you. But after trying them my Wave-Of-The-Future scorecard looks like this:
3D -- 1
D-BOX -- 0

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