Thursday, January 12, 2006

TG Barbie's Very Bad Horrible No Good Day + movie review.

This past week hasn't been a good one. Monday I was extremely tired, cranky, going thru the " first day on the diet" sugar withdrawals and about 3 minutes away from snarling "piss off" to the office manager.

Since I want my job, I decided to leave work early and confine myself to the house watching movies and eating all the stashed leftover christmas candy. I saw Debra Messing's THE WEDDING DATE. This is a really cute movie. Pretty predictable but still enjoyable. A nice "feel good" sort of movie. I felt so much better after watching this and the next movie SKY HIGH. While difting along on my Disney/cheesy movie/chocolate bar buzz, I put in ENVY, that movie with Jack Black. Bad. Bad. Bad. Bad move on my part, and totally bad movie. I couldn't even watch this movie in fastforward. Just gaggy. Definately a buzz killer.

So, to get the happy feeling back, I saw CHER'S FAREWELL TOUR on DVD. This was just fabulous. I even picked out a new outfit to wear disco dancing. (Those fur vests Sonny used to wear are "in" now, ya know.) Since I'm still feeling great, I think I'll watch SKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TOMORROW tonight. (Though that might just be the chocolate talking, I'll get back to ya)

In summary, THE WEDDING DATE is cheesy enough to keep me from going postal and with enough chocolate, I can almost sit through anything. Overall, it's better than Prozac.

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