To: Michael Bay
CC: Steven Spielberg
Dear Sir,
While I wouldn't argue that TRANSFORMERS is a no holds barred, adrenaline fueled thrill ride, I do have some questions. They are as follows:
1. Does Stephen Hawking know what sort of havoc you are wreaking on the space-time continum? Unless this film was set on Mercury, with it's much much quicker planetary spin, the sudden changes from day to night and back again are staggering. I understand quick cuts from night to morning as an easy transition but mid-day to midnight in the duration of one soldier's video call to his family? Are you kidding me? It is not only a bit abrupt but shows complete disregard for the craft AND the audience when Sam leaves his house at six in the evening and arrives at the lake party around 2pm.
I'm just sayin'.
2. If the Autobots and Decepticons learned everything they know from the internet then how is it theDecepticons only ever watched bad '70's porn? 'Cause that's the ONLY way to explain the preponderanceof mustaches on their theoretical (holographic?) drivers. Thank you for not using '70's porn music as well.
3. Speaking of the '70's, what's with the giant Bat signal to communicate?? Do they use CB radios, too? These guys are so advanced they ushered in the modern age while unconcious but they can't manage to send a basic "Hey yall,the party's here!" signal without using a spotlight? Please....
4. I know dogs don't look up and police officers are sometimes called dog faces so does it somehow follow that two hellicopters full of men will somehow be unable to look up and see the GIANT ROBOT HIDING IN THE BRIDGE???
They have infrared goggles but seeing the sky is too scary?? No. Next time you go for a cheap plot device, try to find a more complicated bridge. One a helicopter can't fly under and look up the skirts of.
5. Who gave you the photographs of John Tuturo with and underage prostitute 'cause that's the ONLY way to explain his presence in this film at all. His blatant contempt for the entire project was obvious and only increased when he was reduced to wearing "Aloha" boxers for the sake of a cheap gag.
6. Are you sure the Patriot Act allows Australian strippers to do Defence department work at the Pentagon? And is there a strict four-inch-stilletto's-only rule if they are?
7. If everyone's hair had to be perfect so any single frame from the film could be used in Tiger Beat magazine, how is it our leading lady could barely open her mascara-caked eyelashes from the weight of the clumps? Heard of
and eyelash comb? Talk to makeup.
8. While on the subject, do you only belive in Girl Power on alternate Tuesdays?? 'Cause any girl who has been to Juvie, stole cars with her dad, hot wires things,picks handcuff locks, can take apart and put together an entire car, and managed to cut off the head of a stabby-looking robot with an electric knife OBVIOUSLY is going to have a breakdown for
no reason while hiding in an alley?? Is going to scream "I'm going to die" while driving erratically? Is going to be surprised that the guys she dates are jerks? Is going to refuse to get in a car while being chased by a giant robot? Is going to
drive a Vespa???!!!Perhaps you could re-think your attitude towards women before making your next film. Then talk to Joss Whedon.
9. Have you heard of the
Episodes I - III Rule, as made famous by George Lucas? It goes like this -- "Just because you can, dosn't mean you should."
Enough said.
10. Location, Location, Location. Who do you think you're kidding?? We know what L.A. looks like and we know it's more than 20 min away from Las Vegas. Giant robots crush everything with their weight but somehow residential houses and 100 year old observatories can bear their weight? That observatory is in
EVERY MOVIE made in L.A., starting with
Rebel Without A Cause. No one can hide out there without shoving their way through thirteen film crews! By the way, the Hoover Dam was built by ROOSEVELT and re-named
for Hoover later.
Thank you for your time,