This is to let everyone know that Naudy is officially too involved with opera rehearsals (see: http://www.utahopera.org/concert_search_detail.cfm?id=28 for more info) to go see movies.
All new reviews will either be by other members of the team or will be after March 19th.
(If you're bored and looking for something to do, just read the synopsis of The Magic Flute [ http://www.abbeville.com/magicflute/story.html]
and then write a paper examining the symbolism as it relates to:
- Masonic rituals
- Women's Rights
- Traditional Fantasy Archetypes
- German Folklore
- Singspeil as a new/old form
- Mozart as an Idealist
- and Mozart as a lover of silly jokes
email your papers to themisfittoys@gmail.com and I'll post those instead of a movie review.
or, if you're not quite that bored, just bug the other contributors and perhaps they'll have a few things to say.)
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