10 Things I Learned from BEOWULF
1. Naked CGI men can be HOT!! (Let's hear it for technology!!)
2. Apparently, if you're hot enough, mermaids do exist.
3. So do demons.
4. There is no reason for me to grow my hair out 'cause it will never ever turn into a braid long enough and smart enough to be used as an extra limb.
5. Crispin Glover is the creepiest man alive and I'd totally stalk him if he didn't freak me out.
6. The next time I'm an evil demon screaming "GIVE ME A SON!!!" at a man, I need to make sure he's not an Anthony Hopkins-type of man. Apparently they give you babies with no ears or skin.
7. molten gold = good clothing alternative
8. Hey! They had snow plows to clear the roads back then, too!
9. Violence in 3D is just that much more disturbing.
10. Sometimes it pays to be the crabby best friend who refuses to go along with every stupid idea your buddy has. Gets ya the kingdom and no demon sons.