If this is the film that tells us whether or not these child actors can make the transition to real actors, then I'm ready to text in my vote, or dial whatever 888 number they flash on the screen. If there was any inhuman task, any impossible feat which would guarantee Emma Watson (aka Hermione) would NEVER BE FILMED AGAIN, I would do it in a heartbeat.
That being said, the director of PHOENIX managed to minimize her damage to this film pretty well. Her reaction shots only gave me a small rash and one that was easily treated with a mild steroid cream.
David Yates (director) made a subtle, workman like film ideally suited for television and one which made me question the point of making films about books at all. Obviously a Potter movie will always make hideous piles of cash, but why should I so see it? I'v managed to avoid SPIDER MAN III and PIRATES III, so why POTTER V? Harry is a pill all throughout the incredibly huge book, anyway, so what will watching him for two hours do for me?
I don't have a good answer but I have some ideas. The Potter movies I have really enjoyed always showed me something of the characters that was physical, something personal that I'd never imagined, gave me a glimpse into who these kids really are and what they're doing/feeling. The plot can be cut up and rearranged all you like as long as the characters become better, bigger, more real. When character is neglected for cheap effects and plodding plots, my response is... eh. Who cares?
So, there you go. Evanna Lynch is perfectly wonderfully lovely as Luna "Looney" Lovegood, Imelda Staunton manages to portray the ultimate in pink evil as Dolores Umbrage, and everyone with any sort of acting chops at all has a lovely time. Daniel Radcliff works very hard in this film to show Harry as something other than a whiny git, even going to far as to develop a tic he mentally picks up from Lord Voldemort, but the script lets him down. Shame, really. But Dan can rest comfortably knowing he would get my first vote on "Who Can Act Their Way Out Of Puberty/A Paper Bag?"