I saw SKY CAPTAIN AND THE WORLD OF TO- MORROW. And... let's just say the chocolate buzz did not hold through for me. Angelina Jolie in a eyepatch didn't do it for me either. I will admit the computer graphics/CGI were pretty incredible. There's a couple of parts that look totally fake, but overall, it was visually believable and seamless. Now believablity with regard to the storyline is a whole other matter. They set the story in the 1940's, with their intrepretation of futuristic technology. That's all well and good, but then there's a shot of a live miniature elephant under glass. Later when they're flying and trooping through artic snow, all of a sudden they're on a island with a Garden-of-Eden-like setting, all jungle-y with dinosaurs and everything. At first I was like "what's up with this?", but then I decided I didn't even want to know.
Other than crazy plots and what-the-hell shots, it's very beautiful to watch. I liked how every actor had their own personal lighting. That was fun. What was not fun was watching the horrible non-chemistry between Gwynth and Jude Law. Her antagonism seemed kinda personal, all her bitching and sniping. Hmm... I wonder. Was it personal? Was Gwyn somehow angry about Jude's relationship with his nanny?
Really, there's no way to know. But since my eyeballs have already been scarred, I think I'll check out some more tacky movies.
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