My friend Delanie and I had gone Mr. and Mrs. Smith at 2:45pm because after weeks of not telling anyone we wanted to see it, we finally admitted to each other in a vanilla and Altoid scented car that we wanted to see it. We found seats in the one row behind the neck damage section and snuggled in.
Let me say first that I tried to hate people in this film. I mean any woman over the age of 20 should hate Angelina Jolie….simply because she’s not supposed to exist. She looks like an image that basement dwelling D&D freaks doodle in the notebooks during biology class. I checked, and according to NASA and Army Corps of Engineers the combination of her bust and lips makes her structurally unsound, especially when perched on those legs of hers. Brad Pitt shouldn’t be trusted. I mean he looks like the idiot captain of the football team that managed to miraculously score 1520 on his SAT’s even though he though Holland and the Netherlands were two different countries. Then there’s Vince Vaughn…I can’t think of a reason why I should hate him, so I moved on. The only person I hated was that little blonde thing Stephanie March and that’s because she married Bobby Flay which marks her as a sub-human forever. Back to the movie.....
I was surprised, because I thought it would be something I would be ashamed to admit to have seen (only resting one notch above Space Camp and that horrible movie where John Travolta is kidnapped by Russians). Much to my surprise I loved it. I thought the casting was wonderful and comedic timing was a great. Angelina and Brad managed to be tense and distantly in love with out seeming too hokey. There wasn’t a horribly “noble” moment where one is forced to sacrifice themselves to save the other.
I was worried that the director was providing too much of a back-story, resulting in a rushed ending- but the film resolution didn’t bearing down on your like an out of control freight train. There were a couple moments of less than willing suspension of disbelief, but nothing than can’t be gotten over quickly. In comparison with other my husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfrie
nd leads a double life films like Daredevil or My Step-Mother is an Alien nothing in this film will faze you.
There were only two things I didn’t enjoy about this film. One, the gratuitous full body pans of Angelina and her garter belt, but people whose chromosomes don’t match shouldn’t be offended. Two, the fact that in Utah in the middle of afternoon, people can't be bothered with humor. It’s an odd thing that you and your friend are the only two people laughing at actual dialogue rather than boring sight gags. Shame on you Utah.
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